How to Earn Bitcoins for Free

BitBin is a pastebin service which allows you to share snippets of text (usually programming code) publicly, and shares the site's ad revenue with you (in Bitcoin) based on the amount of views your snippets get.  

Best way to spread with Bitbin! 
Go to and Create a new Snippet 

Put in anything you want in the textbox. I am going to do “Earn Free Bitcoins!” 

You will now need a Bitcoin Wallet, I recommend using Coinbase. Go to 

Once you have registered, We need to create a bitcoin Address. Click on Account Settings and you should see Bitcoin Addresses.
Click Create new Address and it should come up a new address. Copy the address for the next step. 

Click Main and where it says Paste Title, put your Title for your Snippet.

Where it´s says Monetized, Check the Checkbox!

Finally do the Captcha and Submit Paste!. Copy the link for the Next Step. 

Go to your Account Settings and go to Bitcoin Settings and put your Bitcoin Address that you copied.

Now, you will need a source e.g. Youtube, Facebook Etc. I am going to stick with Facebook. The Facebook Page I am going to be using it Bitcoin Page. 

Paste the Link of your Snippet to the Facebook Status on the Facebook Page. You Could a title of your own. It make it attractive. You can do it on many pages you want!. The More the Better! 
Updating your Posts and Status. 
In a couple of days, you will start earning a huge!, I mean huge amount of views on your snippet. You will have to keep updating it on other pages on Facebook. So you will be still earning views. 
I hope you are rolling in Bitcoins, day by day!! 
Updates and more methods will be coming soon (Only Gold) 

Exemple how it´s look:

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